Thursday, July 4, 2013

Keeping Organized and a bit about File Naming **Updated**

   Hi all! Today’s topic comes from a question posted by a new member on FWO; a fiction writer’s site I belong to.
   “Does anyone have any tips on organizing my notes?” (I’m paraphrasing)
   Well we all have our own ways and our own methods of attempting to organize the creativity oozing from between our ears. A lot of us carry around laptops or tablets these days. But, even with the ever changing, more and more portable, highly interactive computing devices available in our world - even right down to our phones - nothing seems to be as popular as good old fashioned pen and paper when it comes to fiction writers. So what does that mean? That means that most of us have shelves, boxes, bins, even closets full of these processed trees. If you’re working on one, maybe two projects at once that’s usually not a problem to keep these organized as carrying two notebooks and switching between them when necessary isn’t too difficult. But if that was your situation you wouldn’t be asking; “How do I keep organized,” now would you?